Anonymous Member
Unity Member
"I was introduced to The Matthew Project by my social worker in 2019 when I was 11 years old. I am now 16 and I can happily say it has ultimately helped me grow so much mentally.
Being able to take part in fun activities with the project supported my mental wellbeing a lot, activities such as cake making, hangout, and other great events really encouraged me to participate in more fun things due to my rise in confidence. Thank you so much for everything over the years.
Your support has meant more to me than I can put into words. Whether it was offering advice when I needed it most, being there through tough times, or just believing in me, The Matthew Project made a real difference in my life. I am, and always will be so grateful. Your kindness and guidance have helped shape who I am today, and I'll always be thankful for that.
You have been a great support system which has helped me to fulfil my dreams and goals, such as being able to complete my education at school. I hope The Matthew Project continues to help people like me, and helps young people realise that there are always people looking out for you."