The Nurse
"I was a stay-at-home mum and was referred to On Track through the YMCA. I moved from another county because I was suffering domestic abuse. I didn't feel good about my future, I didn't leave my house and I felt isolated. Soon after I did start to take my children out and about, the pandemic hit.
Looking back, I did well at school passing my GCSE’s including maths and English. Then I studied childcare at college, but dropped out two weeks before I finished my course because I was really struggling with the abuse. I wanted education and had the motivation but needed support to get to where I wanted to be, away from my abuser.
When I started working with On Track, my coach Ruth took it really slowly with me because of my anxiety. We started off with telephone calls when I felt able, and then on to video calls to build my confidence. I didn't feel comfortable with my weight, so next Ruth took me shopping to Primark to buy clothes. It made me feel good in myself.
Ruth contacted City College and put an application form in for me and got funding from Building Better Opportunities from The National Lottery to buy an interview outfit. I was accepted onto an Access to Science for Health Practitioners Level 3 course. She got my twins into nursery a couple of streets away which helped massively in reducing this barrier to my studies. When I started my college course, I wanted to drop out due to my anxiety, but I made a friend and she also encouraged me and motivated me to stay. Money was tight as I was only able to have 15 hours of childcare paid for, but I learned to put money away and then take it out again if I needed it.
I joined the On Track Facebook group for cooking and took part in the cooking challenges. I watched the videos and did the activity myself. The videos taught me how to make chocolate brownies and chicken curry. When it got really tough, I was also signposted to the food bank by On Track.
I found On Track so helpful, Ruth was really great with her support for my anxiety. She gave me space if I didn’t want to meet in person. Everything was done at my own pace and Ruth was always available if I needed someone to message.
Without On Track, I think I would still be at home, being a stay-at-home mum but now I’m a student nurse! I’m feeling good about education and excited for placement on my course as I get to be hands on with the job I want to do. I get to sit with patients, I get to do the medical side of things and put my education into practice.
A few months ago, I wouldn’t even have sat down by myself in a café. Now look at me. I am proud of that. Finally, I am excited for the future. I’m nervous but I think that now I know I’m on my course, I’m closer to my aim than I was last year. I’ve got lots of things to look forward to, thanks to Ruth and the team at On Track."