The Musician
"From the early 00's I had been using drugs and alcohol regularly. It went hand in hand within the music industry. For over twenty years my substances of choice gave me the drive and functionality to perform my job effectively however, I was totally unaware of the long term phycological damage it was doing to me. Work stopped abruptly when covid arrived, which left me totally unmotivated. The only way I found a release was more drink.... more drugs! Inevitably, after the loss of a long term relationship, housing, finances and finally, my Father, self-destruction was all I had left.
After finding myself alcohol dependent and homeless, I was given a room in a hostel where my support worker at the time referred me to The Matthew Project. I was unsure at first as I had become a recluse and very anxious around others. I was assessed by Lucy and Marie who immediately made me feel at ease. This is where my journey in recovery truly began. The tools and skills I have learnt through the group sessions, one to one and courses have enabled me to find 'Matt' again. I can't thank you enough TMP.
Since attending The Matthew Project regularly in the week as well as at weekends, I have gained employment in the events industry again which is amazing. Thankfully my job is flexible so I can still prioritise my time helping others and myself stay safe at TMP, which keeps me grounded and grateful.
I live and grow each day knowing that The Matthew Project will be there by my side.
Thank you so much."