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Supporting young people across West Norfolk

This week we asked the West Norfolk Unity team to share a feel good story about their work and they didn't fail to deliver. Read on as staff member Emma shares how they are touching the lives of young people...

We have a local radio station by the name of West Norfolk Radio, we have made good contacts with the presenter Simon Rowe. Each year the local station does an Easter Egg Appeal and also a Christmas gift appeal for young people. They encourage the public to donate at local outlets and then the gifts/eggs are given out to young people, we have been the lucky recipients now for a couple of years running. This enables us to give our young clients a gift around Christmas and an egg at Easter. This is very much appreciated by us and also our young clients. I have worked with young people in the past whereby this is the only gift they receive.
In 2019 we were given a small donation by some young people who had raised money for the Matthew Project to do “something nice” for our young clients. This money was greatly appreciated by all. After some communication with the local Corn Exchange theatre, we secured 20 tickets for the Christmas Pantomime, myself and our manager took a small group of ‘affected others’ children to the panto. These are children who are affected by a parent or carer misuses alcohol or drugs. We were able to buy them sweet cones and drinks to enjoy during the performance. Thanks to the donation from the West Norfolk Radios Christmas gift appeal we also gave the children a Christmas present each.

If you or a young person you know needs support with substance misuse/mental health issues, please get in touch by emailing [email protected] or call our Youth Advice Line 0800 970 4866

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